Thursday, October 21, 2010

Mrs.Molesky One Point Perspective Room Project

Mrs. Molesky the Art and Media teacher at Institute of Technology at Syracuse Central, is doing a project with her students in 2-D Drawing and Block 5 Studio in Art students. The project is to draw a one point perspective room. The students can choose any room they want to draw. The room must show four walls, decorations,  and furniture. The room must show details to make the drawing look realistic. Mrs. Molesky is doing this project because it teaches a simple system of technical drawing. With these skills students can learn how to draw cubes and cylinders in perspective. The students use these shapes to draw furniture, windows, posters, and other details.

Here are some of the rooms the students have drawn: 

Monday, October 18, 2010

Meeting Our Readers Immediate Needs

Our online news paper have stories of what we wanted to right about. No one in the school don't tell us what kind of stories they want on our newspaper because they don't know about the online news paper yet to comment and give ideas. We are working on a daily calender for the website. The stories may be based on really life like teens, environment, health, etc, or fiction stuff.

Monday, October 4, 2010

My News Staff Position

Advertising Manager

An Advertising manager meet with clinets to promote ad's on thier website or show. The clinets have to pay to have there ad on though. They work in other departments to like creating art and coping, and handle work of media buying. they can work with just one compainy or as many as they want.

We can't do any of that because are school is broke