Thursday, December 2, 2010


  For years scientist have been arguing about if cell phone cause brain cancer. Is cell phone radiations that harmful to people.
   Most scientists believe that cell phones are the cause of mmajority of  brain tumors. “ Long-term and frequent use of cell phones which receive and emit radio frequency may be associated with an increased risk of brain tumors,” says Ronald Herberman the director of the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute and the UPMC Cancer Center. There have been three studies since 1999 showing that people who use their cell phones more than usual, have three times the risk of getting a brain tumor on the same side of the head they hold their phone. Evidence has been proven by The EMR Policy Institution, when a man developed a tumor on the side of his head where he holds his phone. Tests showed that the man’s tumor was linked to his heavy cell phone use.
   Jorn Olsen, chair of Epidemiology at the University of California disagrees with the fact that cell phones cause cancer. “ Cell phones don’t release enough radiation or energy to damage your DNA or genetic material, which can lead to brain cancer,” says Olsen. Cell phone radiations have been tested on animals to prove that cell phone don’t cause cancer. The result of the tests turns out to be about 50/50. The radiation from the cell phones caused cancer sometimes and other times it didn't.
   Cell phones can cause brain cancer depending on how much people use their phones on a regular basis. The more you use it, the higher the risk of getting a tumor in your head.


Monday, November 22, 2010

National Edition stories

Time wasters:

I think this story is newsworthy because it like a wake up call for teens that say they don't have time to do their school work. Their right when they say that students don;t do their work either because their lazy or they just don't feel like doing their work. If they feel that way what's the reason for them to com to school at all. I think this is a social media. This news would appeal to the students in school. It got my attention because i can relate to it because i sometime don't do my work and use the i don't have time excuse.

Drivers get tickets fro texting behind wheel:

This story is newsworthy because lots of people don't understand the danger of texting while driving. A lot of people have dyed doing it of injured. Some that do it and get a ticket just pay the fin for it and keep on texting while driving because the don't care, they just do what ever they want. This story is a news story because it shows what happens when you are caught texting behind the wheel and the consequences to it. This story targets every one that text a lot. The story didn't get my attention because most people would see this and say it's true but still do it and there is a likely chance that they will get caught.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Mrs.Molesky One Point Perspective Room Project

Mrs. Molesky the Art and Media teacher at Institute of Technology at Syracuse Central, is doing a project with her students in 2-D Drawing and Block 5 Studio in Art students. The project is to draw a one point perspective room. The students can choose any room they want to draw. The room must show four walls, decorations,  and furniture. The room must show details to make the drawing look realistic. Mrs. Molesky is doing this project because it teaches a simple system of technical drawing. With these skills students can learn how to draw cubes and cylinders in perspective. The students use these shapes to draw furniture, windows, posters, and other details.

Here are some of the rooms the students have drawn: 

Monday, October 18, 2010

Meeting Our Readers Immediate Needs

Our online news paper have stories of what we wanted to right about. No one in the school don't tell us what kind of stories they want on our newspaper because they don't know about the online news paper yet to comment and give ideas. We are working on a daily calender for the website. The stories may be based on really life like teens, environment, health, etc, or fiction stuff.

Monday, October 4, 2010

My News Staff Position

Advertising Manager

An Advertising manager meet with clinets to promote ad's on thier website or show. The clinets have to pay to have there ad on though. They work in other departments to like creating art and coping, and handle work of media buying. they can work with just one compainy or as many as they want.

We can't do any of that because are school is broke 

Thursday, September 30, 2010


                                                          GOING GREEN

Our world is being polluted, day-by-day and we're not doing anything to stop it. The era of laziness about going green is over. It’s time to help the planet we live on. Even now because of pollution the north pole is melting little-by-little making the animals there go extinct. Even the littlest thing can help save the planet.

People are changing from electric power to solar power. According to, buildings around the Syracuse area are placing solar panels on their roof. A nursing home in North County and the Broome County Public Library have put solar panels on their roof; they produce enough power to fuel 3 houses a day. A program called NYPA has planned to put 1,000 megawatts of solar panels on top of schools and other public buildings. This is to help New York State reach it’s goal of getting 45 percent of it’s electricity though clean renewable energy by 2015.

Last year our school won a $7000 green grant to research solar power. Mrs. Molesky's Media class suggests that our school switches to using the Century Gothic Font. It's a font that is used to save ink.  The only cation is because the font is so wide, it uses more paper than regular font.

According to Ms. Sobon, Global teacher at ITC, “We only have one planet and its pollution so far is our own fault.  We need to be open to trying new ways of getting heat and electricity.  I think people can help by doing as much as they can.  Some people have gone to the extent of putting up solar panels or building windmills for their community but sadly these things come with a big cost that many of us just don't have the money for.  Therefore, even if you don't have enough money to do big things such as those you can do little things like not littering and picking up your environment.  Also, little things like don't use the air conditioner all the time or don't buy a dryer, instead hang your clothes up somewhere in the house or outside.  There are a lot of appliances that use too much energy so I think the less we use these them the better!"

Wouldn’t you agree?

General tips on how to GO GREEN:

1.    Recycle
2.    Clean up your neighborhood
3.    Ride a bike instead of taking the car everywhere
4.    Don’t waste water
5.    Don’t leave your lights on if you are not using them
6.    Plant trees and flowers in your Local Park or neighborhood

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

First Story Proposal

Going Green

It's time to help the planet that we live on instead of polluting it more and more that it could make life on earth impossible because of all the pollution. Because off us animal's in the north are about to be extinct and we already made a whole in are ozone layer which is a terrible thing.

we can recycle and do other things to help are environment even if its a little thing your doing.

I'm targeting everyone.
My sources is research on the internet of tips and thing people know are doing to help go green 

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Journalism Story Structure

What are some characteristics of the reader that are mentioned in the intro?
There readers won't tolerate a confusing storing and they have a sort attention span so you need to hook they attention from the begginig to the end of the story.

What is the first step to writing an organized story?
The firs step is writing your information of your story wile its still in your head.

After conducting your interview, what are the steps to getting ready to write the story? The steps to getting ready t write the story is 1. rewrite ur story and make sure your notes mke sense. Step 2. categorize the information under who, what, where, when, why, and how. Step 3. seperate the notes that are the most important of the story. Step 4. Match the notes that fit with the others. Step 5. write 2 sentences aout the what the stories about.

What is the inverted pyramid structure?
The  inverted pyramid structure is when you put the most important information first and the the more less inportant go after.

What is the inverted pyramid “in a nutshell”? (3 bullets)
begin with a lead meaning the important thing about the story
-Important but unless infromation not needed at all
-Then keep adding in an organized paraghape until the lest important info is at the bottom.
How does the Martini glass structure differ from the pyramid?
The Martini glass starts with the most important inforamtion and then goes into details about what happened.

How does the Kabob structure differ from the pyramid?
The Kabob stracture talks about a specific person than an event.

What is the lesson summary?

How There are differnet ways to write a story.

Friday, September 17, 2010

How do reporters come up with stories?

Reporters come up with their stories by interviewing the people that there writing the story on. They go out and find the facts they need to make their story true and interest, because you can write a stories if you don't have proof to back it up.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

My role on the Tech News

I see me doing any role for the tech news even if I get a boring role I'll do it but not being any anchor-women because I'm not construable in front of the camera. The types of stories we should but on the news should be sports, weather, events, and thing that happen in other places that are considered important. 50% of the news should be local and the other 50% not local. Are website should be about us and a little about other important thing going on around us.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

What is News?

News is something that has happened around you and the world. the News could be something personal or a political things that has happen and has been shared so you could have knowledge of what happen even if it has happened near or far away from you. The news could be old or new.


What i want to know about media is how to make an animation and to make a power-point that uses great graphics. i know that media involves how to use a camera and photo shop to use and create an I-movie.