There readers won't tolerate a confusing storing and they have a sort attention span so you need to hook they attention from the begginig to the end of the story.
What is the first step to writing an organized story?
The firs step is writing your information of your story wile its still in your head.
After conducting your interview, what are the steps to getting ready to write the story? The steps to getting ready t write the story is 1. rewrite ur story and make sure your notes mke sense. Step 2. categorize the information under who, what, where, when, why, and how. Step 3. seperate the notes that are the most important of the story. Step 4. Match the notes that fit with the others. Step 5. write 2 sentences aout the what the stories about.
What is the inverted pyramid structure?
The inverted pyramid structure is when you put the most important information first and the the more less inportant go after.
What is the inverted pyramid “in a nutshell”? (3 bullets)
-begin with a lead meaning the important thing about the story
-Important but unless infromation not needed at all
-Then keep adding in an organized paraghape until the lest important info is at the bottom.How does the Martini glass structure differ from the pyramid?
The Martini glass starts with the most important inforamtion and then goes into details about what happened.
How does the Kabob structure differ from the pyramid?
The Kabob stracture talks about a specific person than an event.
What is the lesson summary?
How There are differnet ways to write a story.
ReplyDeleteYou're information is correct. We need to talk about getting your spelling and grammar to be better. I know it's not you're first language. We'll work at it. Remind me during class.